Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wrestling Belt Prices and Descriptions

Mattel plastic WWE Belts: $20-$30 Complete plastic WWE toy belts that are kid size,better than JP's
Jakk's Pacific WWE Belts: $10-$40 Complete plastic WWE toy belts that are kid size
WWE Commemorative Belts: $129-$140 WWE plastic belts with real faux diamonds
WWE Kid Size Replica Belts: $169-$200 WWE Replicas that are kid size
WWE Adult Size Replica Belts: $279-$380 WWE Replicas that are adult size
WWE Adult Size Deluxe Replica Belts: $399-$600/WWE Replica belts that are most real for purchase


  1. intelligent appraisal of the 2 styles of wrestling (judo is after all wrestling) but i thought a word about Combo might be relevant
    wrestling belt
