Saturday, November 26, 2011

WWE Wrestling

WWE's Logo
WWE wrestling is actual money making in one big act. WWE is not real wrestling, they only make it look like they actually hurt each other which they do not. WWE was once real back in the 1980s im sure. Right now its only acts and if not it'd be an accident. The World Wrestling Entertainment was founded by Vince Mcmahon. The WWE was founded on the date of 2002 but before it was called WWF(World Wrestling Federation). WWF was founded on the date of February 21, 1980. The WWE consists of 3 current wrestling rosters, RAW, Smackdown, and ECW. RAW's current general manager is Kevin Nash. Smackdown's general manager is Theodore Long. ECW's general manager was Tiffany Terrell until ECW was eventually canceled on the date of February 16, 2010. Vince Mcmahon was also a wrestler of his own company. The WWE company is now worth $277 million. The WWE has now 6 championship belts. The current WWE title holders are:
World Heavyweight Champion: Mark Henry

Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes fantasma.jpg
WWE Champion: CM Punk
CM Punk WWE Champion.jpg

The United States Champion: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler 2011 United States Champion.jpg
WWE Tag Team Championship: Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston
Air Boom 1.JPG
WWE Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix
Glamazon's entrance crop.jpg

RAW's Logo
WWE Monday Night RAW Tribute Video

WWE Smackdown's Logo

Friday Night Smackdown Tribute Video

ECW's Logo

Tuesday Night ECW Tribute Video

Air Boom 1.JPG

WWF's Original Logo
WWF Tribute Video
WWF Tribute Video

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